There is nothing quite like Afford-A-Floor flooring to really transform a room from a simple living area into a focal point for family and friends to gather. Afford-A-Floor Carpets come in many shapes, styles, textures, colors and patterns. Choosing the right carpet installation for your home in Northern New Jersey can be a challenging task. There are many other costs associated with purchasing carpets that the buyer is not aware of.
Today’s carpet offers a wide variety of choices in style, fiber composition and color. Gone are the days of having to select only conventional loop pile, a carpet style consisting of yarn in uncut loops. New technology can produce multilevel loop and cut-loop patterns allowing diamond, bow, pin dot or fleur-de-lis designs that “pop out” in sculptured effects. The texture, colors and pattern of the carpet can complement or contrast with patterns of your furniture and window treatments. Using a solid color, textured carpet is a great way to provide interest and pizzazz, without going to a multicolor, overall pattern. Textured styles also fit well with today’s active and casual lifestyles.
When you recieve a carpet quote from Afford-A-Floor, the carpet experts, there will be no hidden costs. Leave it to the Afford-A-Floor carpet specialists to give you a detailed bill outlining carpet padding, glue, installation and all the other costs. Afford-A-Floor have an in-house installation team of carpet specialists who can offer you the lowest prices in Northern New Jersey.
Apart from the obvious aesthetic values of Afford-A-Floor carpet flooring, they all feel great to walk on and these days even with children and pets to worry about, today’s stain protection is extremely good. Even stains caused by the dreaded red wine are no longer a worry. When considering a new carpet in New Jersey give some thought to where it is going to be used and what the traffic flow will be like over it.
After you’ve laid your new carpet or area rug need to spend a little time looking after it so that it retains it’s ‘just laid’ look. Keeping your carpet looking good is easily accomplished by carrying out a few basic taskson a regular basis.
When you go out to look for carpeting it’s best that you do some homework first. Before you go to the store you should know a bit about the available carpet types you’re going to be presented with. Have an idea of what each of the carpet fibers have to offer as far as durability and ability to repel stains.
Most wall to wall carpet is produced of man made fibers such as olefin, nylon, polyester, acrylic or blends of these fibers. PET is made of recycled plastic. PET is one of the strongest man made fibers and is stain resistant.
Acrylic carpeting is very similar to wool (wool is considered the best carpeting available) and is sometimes called man-made wool. It resists moisture, fading, mildew, crushing and staining but is not recommended for high traffic areas in the home.
Nylon carpeting is popular due to it’s durability. It resists mildew, staining and soiling. Nylon carpet is recommended for all traffic areas. It is one of the most expensive of the synthetic fibers but cheaper than wool.
Olefin is a very low cost easy care material that is often used in indoor/outdoor carpeting. Olefin is colorfast and strong and easy to clean. One drawback to olefin is that it can be easily crushed depending on the pile. Polyester is luxurious and durable however is not good for high traffic areas in the home.
Another consideration would be the density of the carpet. You want a high number of fibers per square inch. A closely packed pile is an indication of a well made carpet. Check the carpet backing closely to make sure you don’t see any bare areas.
The two most popular types of carpeting today are loop pile and cut pile. Loop pile has individual strands of yarn pulled through the carpet backing twice, creating a small loop. Cut pile has the loop cut at the top, leaving tufts of yarn that stand straight up. A cut pile carpet is generally more durable than a looped pile carpet. Cut pile carpets come in a variety of styles such as shag, textured, saxony and velvet or plush. Loop pile carpets would be a berber, cable or sisal. Loop pile carpets are a good choice for high traffic areas.